Today I am chained to my desk rendering unto Caesar. That is, I am cleaning up all the loose ends of our home finances in preparation for filing later this winter. While I do keep decent records, "reconciling accounts" is another story, not my strongest. Fortunately, I can almost see wood on my desk again.
I hope you are enjoying your day. If you absolutely need something from the Café, I have a link here from National Catholic Reporter about a letter sent from Cardinal Dolan of New York to his priests and deacons last November. The topic is money. The Cardinal seems very upset about, well, a lot of things. The letter is available in its entirety attached to the news account. Two points I do note for future discussion. First, the time is at hand to rethink the financial structure of dioceses and churches. Second, never take to your typewriter in the heat of anger, particularly in ministry. When I read his letter this week, I could not help but think of the fact that the Cardinal is proclaiming the Scripture at the Inauguration next week of the new president. The Cardinal might now be thinking that 140-characters are best after all. See you tomorrow for Sacramental Saturday.
For Folks Who Can't Read Everything
January 2025